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Food Causes Acne


Many factors that affect the appearance of acne on the face. Acne can arise due to the factors of that stress and hormones. Usually the condition of instability inside will trigger acne. Besides acne on the face can also appear was due to hormones or descent.


Pasta is actually almost the same with noodles instances that contain fat and preservatives. And fats and preservatives that causes the appearance of acne on the face.

Foods made coffee.

Unique coffee flavor sometimes likes to be a mixture of foods. Indeed coffee has benefits to make the body more refreshed and not sleepy. All because coffee contains caffeine, and it turns out caffeine in coffee can cause acne. Plus coffee making eye awake so irregular sleep patterns, and therefore acne can be flourished.

The food is made from black tea.

In addition to coffee, black tea also contain caffeine. Caffeine contained in black tea were able to trigger the production of hormones ardenalin that if excessive amounts of stress can trigger the source of acne.

Foods containing milk.

Milk has become one of the drinks that could be a mixture of different processed foods such as cakes, biscuits and others. Consuming foods containing high levels of milk on a frequent basis it can trigger acne muncullnya. Foods containing milk into one of 20 foods that cause acne on the face popping up in the face because the milk can disrupt hormones work in the body.


Dairy products this one also has the same disadvantages as the milk that is screwed hormo work in the body. Work unstable hormone makes the skin glands are not able to fight the bacteria and comes acne.


Cheese is also a dairy foods are widely used in various foods and pastries. Not much different from milk and yoghurt, cheese also can disrupt hormones work. And plus cheese memilihi high sugar levels which can lower the body's resistance.

White rice.

White rice and sugar have kdar labih carbohidrat higher than brown rice. Excessive sugar content results kabohidratdan able to cause acne on the face, in addition to causing diabetes.

White bread. White bread made of rice contains almost no different from that carbohidrat rice and sugar. And just as with rice, white bread can also cause acne on the face.

Ham cheese burger.

Cheese and bacon on ham cheese burger clear that complete fusion between milk and fat. As has been described above that milk fat and this can trigger acne.

Pudding. Puddings were usually containing milk fat are also able to invite acne. In addition yangtinggi sugar content in the pudding also made custard into the 20 foods that cause acne on the face popping up.


Though it turned nut is not a major cause of acne, but you should note that excessive consumption would be very dangerous. Nuts contain fats that can cause excessive oily porters who could eventually have an impact on acne.